Hey guys. I'm sure you all wanted to hear from me (joking-nobody reads this)': ) Well I've gotten some hate on my little requests things.. not a surprise. So I have three options,
1.) Working on the site and updating it! (I've learned some more stuff!)
2.) Stop working on it and whatever's on here, stays. Like retiring.
3.) Close for good. :(

I don't want to stop because I use this site all the time! Wether it's color codes or border codes for my quotes! Sometimes pictures, anything! I need to update it alot, but if no one will use it, there's no point. 

Now my last thing is layouts. I havn't been able to learn layouts on my own. The only ones I've figured out are ones using other people's coding.. I can get in a lot of trouble from that so I'm staying away from that.. I'll  try to master anything else tho:) Just ask!!

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